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Bryn’s Story

Bryn’s Story (Executive Director of Autism Treatment Center of America®)

In her own words:

In some of my earliest memories, I recall the strangely unique behavior of my brother, Raun, and I remember hearing the diagnosis: Autism. As I watched my parents search for a way to help Raun, I saw firsthand how challenging it was to find a respectful and effective treatment program. For my parents, that program was never found and, as a result, they pioneered a new way of working with children. As a child, I participated in the very first Son-Rise Program® and marveled at my brother’s full recovery – an experience which has had profound impact on my life. I knew then that I would dedicate my life to helping children with special needs.

After spending years working in various teaching environments (schools, group homes, assisted-living environments, case management centers) it became clear to me that there was not a single modality I could find that rivaled the effectiveness and loving care of The Son-Rise Program®. Consequently, in 1990, I returned to the Autism Treatment Center of America® and The Option Institute® to devote myself to this work.

In 1997, I faced one of the greatest ironies of my life - my daughter, Jade, had severe learning challenges and exhibited autistic behaviors. She was uninvolved with us, cried inconsolably, had very limited speech, moved away from physical touch, lacked facial expressions, and repetitiously played with toys. I yearned to be close with my child, longing for simple things like holding her hands or looking into each other's eyes. Immediately, we began our home-based Son-Rise Program.

Today, you would not know she was the same child! She attends a mainstream school, she has friends, she performs in the school talent show and participates on different teams. She is funny, tender, warm and spends her weekends volunteering at a local stable for rescued horses. She is fully involved with us in every way. If I had never told them, the school teachers would have no idea she was ever autistic.

The Son-Rise Program® gave me back my brother. Now, The Son-Rise Program® has given me back my daughter.

Mine is just one of the countless stories of families who have seen their children blossom using this program. I am just one of the many grateful mothers who have used this treatment to transform their child’s life. Now, as the Director of The Son-Rise Program® at the Autism Treatment Center of America®, I have had the privilege of working with thousands of parents as they support, help and heal their children.


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