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Our granddaughter, Jade turns 21 -- and she is a Son-Rise Program® graduate!!!

Hi, Sweet People:

Yes…she is our granddaughter so you might think – “ah, all grandparents celebrate their grandchildren.” Maybe yes, maybe no. But I am writing to you because this young woman spent 5 years in the most dedicated, thorough, inspired Son-Rise Program created by her parents, Bryn and William…and populated with so many gracious and loving volunteers from our staff at that time – all to help Jade with her universe of autism.

The photo to the left is my first session in a Son-Rise Program playroom [one the very first day of the program] with her about 19 years ago. The photo to the right is Jade with Samahria and me out to dinner last night to celebrate her 21st. birthday.

During our 3 ½ hours together, we discussed a host of different subjects…from her going to school in September, to her feelings about her father’s recent death (still sadness there), to the lovely and nurturing 6 month relationship she has with her boyfriend (he’s terrific and really treasures her) and to her rather deeply thoughtful and daring idea to purposely and continually step out of her “comfort zones” so she can grow and learn more and more.

As we listened to her talk…the quality of her conceptualizations, her ever-growing descriptive vocabulary and her fascination and delight (the Son-Rise Program 3 E’s) in all the different areas of her life…we thought – hum, if Willy (William) is watching he’d be so, so proud of his daughter and if Bryn could have hovered over the table during this conversation she, too, would be deeply moved by Jade. Samahria and I were deeply moved…and we had so much fun. We really adore this young woman…AND WE REALLY ADORE ALL THE OTHER SON-RISE PROGRAMS MOMS AND DADS from around the world who have taken this road less traveled to nourish and help their children with autism to reach their highest potentials.

With love, Bears (Barry Neil Kaufman) – Son-Rise Program/Autism Treatment Center of America/Option Institute Co-Founder (with my honey, Samahria)

Please share with other who might be inspired and excited for themselves or their children…or just excited to hear about one sweet event happening the world.


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